An Interview With Award-Winning Attorney Steven Gruber
Attorney Steven Gruber took some time out of his day to discuss a recent 2.5 million truck crash settlement. In this interview, we are given insights directly from a truck accident attorney about how a truck accident case really works.
Ryan: Congrats to you and your very deserving client on your recent $2.5 million truck crash settlement. Can you share with us some initial background about the case?
Attorney Steven Gruber: Thanks, Ryan. This recent case result stems from a serious truck accident. James, our client, suffered traumatic injuries. He primarily sustained road-rash-type injuries and was forced to undergo two shoulder surgeries. The insurance company refused to make an offer on the case, and we decided to file a formal lawsuit. Ultimately, the case settled for $2.5 million. We were certainly honored to represent James.
Ryan: How did the crash happen?
Attorney Steven Gruber: We alleged that James was traveling on his motorcycle with the right of way when a truck failed to yield to James. The trailer struck James. The truck was being driven by an employee of a large multi-state corporation.
Ryan: Sounds quite traumatic. Where did this crash occur?
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Attorney Steven Gruber: Yes, it certainly was a traumatic crash and continues to impact James to this day. The crash happened in Wisconsin very close to the Wisconsin-Illinois border, essentially halfway between Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois.
Ryan: Tell me about the course of the actual personal injury case.
Attorney Steven Gruber: From a legal perspective, the defendant’s insurance company did not make any settlement offers before a formal lawsuit was filed and extensive discovery took place. I, along with Attorney Nick Hermann with our firm, filed a lawsuit in Milwaukee County to pursue full compensation for our client. The case was before Judge Paul Van Grunsven.
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The case involved a significant amount of discovery, including very helpful deposition testimony. In truck crash cases or commercial vehicle cases, the discovery and deposition process can be very different than a more traditional car accident case. For example, the discovery and deposition process often involves not only the driver but also company Safety Directors, hours of service log analysis, compliance reviews, corporate representatives, accident reconstructionists, engineers, and others.
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In the James case, the case was ultimately set for mandatory mediation under Judge Van Grunsven’s Scheduling Order. Attorney Mike Crooks mediated the case in Madison, Wisconsin. The case was aggressively defended by a talented trucking and insurance defense lawyer. We are proud to say that we achieved a very strong result on behalf of our client, and he was extremely happy with the case result. The case was ultimately settled for $2.5 million.
Ryan: Thank you for taking the time to discuss this truck accident case with us. Thank you for all the work you do to fight for all those injured in truck accidents in Wisconsin.
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